The word “outreach” is a word used in church land to refer to the things we do in helping our community. Outreach can take many forms. it can include providing a warm meal to those who are hungry, or helping bring school supplies to needy children. Outreach includes our community but it not limited to our wonderful town of Fort Macleod. We can too look even further into the world which has many and varied needs.
Some of the activities that are already underway via people from Christ Church include feeding breakfast at one of our local schools to children who may go without. We help out with buying fresh fruit and vegetables for needy families by donating to a local group who carries this out. Our Youth Group helps with a “Flight to the North Pole” that happens yearly for needy kids. We also have two groups in the church (our ACW and Youth groups) who raise money to adopt a Compassion Canada Child.
We take part in these types of activities because we believe that scripture is quite clear about us taking care of those who are less fortunate than ourselves. “Love your neighbour as yourself”